Monday, March 7, 2011

Dominance Theory

Well it's been a long time coming but I've finally added my dominance essay to my main website - it can be found at

This has taken me a while to complete, mostly doing research and reading on the subject. I hope you will all find it an interesting read and I've tried to cover the subject in as much detail as I can, with as much reference as possible.

One of the things I've noted is that the dog training industry is high unregulated and anyone can claim to be an expert. I've tried to ensure all my opinions in this document are backed up by scientific experiments and expert researchers. I hope you will find it interesting.

On a personal note - my general obedience classes in Woodside start tonight, these are my first classes away from Petcetera since I've decided to "go it alone". 6 Dogs signed up for the general class so I hope its a fun and educational 6 weeks!

I'm considering getting another dog soon and I seem to be gravitating towards a senior rescue dog. There's something about older dogs without a home that seems to draw me in, so we'll see.

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